Late February Updates from the Farm and Flower Shop

We made it! We made it through Valentine's Day! And it was weirdly, eerily easy. Like, we went home on time every day.

It wasn't easy because it was slow — it was about like last year. But something has really clicked for us on the operations side. Good systems, good organization, good team. It's great to remember that not every important event needs to be painful. In fact, seven years into a business, they shouldn't be anymore! We're not scrappy; we're more sophisticated these days, and it feels good!

But nothing ever stops on a farm, or in a flower shop. We're on to the next thing.

The farm is in the major throes of spring planting. Because of our climate, February is a big time for planting. Many flowers like delphinium, strawflower, snapdragons and agrostemma prefer a cool start to their life cycle. We plant them now so they're looking gorgeous in May and June.

We'll continue planting all year with another big push after our last frost in late April. 

If you love growing plants, get out there! Anytime your soil is dry enough to work, you can plant for spring blooms!

You'll begin to notice signs of life everywhere in your garden these days. The Persephone period — the deepest, darkest part of the winter when daylength falls below 10 hours and plants go dormant — is over at our latitude! Life is beginning close to the soil.

The photo above shows the first of our outdoor-grown tulips peeking above the soil.

We have indoor-grown, hydroponic tulips already! We are planning to list them online soon, but we sold so many for Valentine's Day, we need a bit more time to take stock. However, we will have them at Asheville City Market on Saturdays!

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