March Beginnings on Our Flower Farm

Anemones on our flower farm Asheville, NCTulip buds Asheville florist

Do you see what I see? Bright beginnings everywhere on our flower farm! These beautiful blooms are going to create such a buzz at the flower shop — they're a florist's dream to work with!

Ranunculus in bud, getting ready to bloom so soon! Anemones as tall as my knee in some cases. Tulips beginning to bud up in the outdoor beds. Poppies beginning to, well, pop.

I am really hopeful we'll have a wonderful mix for Easter. We'll release a few special Easter items, but if you want the inside scoop, they're just our regular items with different photos and names! And an emphasis on local and seasonal, of course.

It's always good to reiterate that everything coming into bloom now was planted last fall on the farm, either in October or November. Fall really is the beginning of the planting season!

I hope you're noticing some fun flowers coming up in your yard and neighborhood. Out and about, I've seen daffodils, snowdrops, spirea, tulip magnolias, cherry, lenten rose, and more. Honestly, March could be my favorite month. The month of life emerging and so much beauty to come!


Poppy buds Asheville flowersRanunculus buds Asheville florist


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