Red Dozen Roses Wrapped Bouquet
A classic for Valentine's Day.
A dozen roses with small greenery accents wrapped in our signature, natural style. Elegantly wrapped in tissue paper and kraft paper and tied with a ribbon.
Available for pick up or delivery February 12-15.
Vase not included. For roses in a vase, click here.
We feature flowers from our farm in March until November. All flower sales support sustainable agriculture in Western North Carolina.
Our flower deliveries typically take place between 1 and 5 p.m. unless otherwise arranged. On very rare occasions, deliveries may go as late as 7 p.m.
If you are sending flowers to a business, please let us know the hours.
If you require delivery at a specific time, please schedule a Delivery Appointment and pay the $30 fee at checkout.
Please review our Cancellation Policy and Return FAQ for more details.